Saturday 1 August 2015

home made cd's

I have a new collection
I've been buying home made CD's from the poverty aid at the end of the street.
CD's of music people have made and burned to a disc and put in a case of their own design.
it is the most fun.
Here are the CD's I have found so far

My favourite so far is Ian Cockburns CD because he made the case out of a Branflakes box and printer paper.
In one of them he made an origami folded lyric booklet
We tried to contact him on facebook but we've yet to get a response.

The relevence of this is that I'm thinking of making covers for them all as a project
A rather sizeable project
but maybe I could update them? or try to make them appealing again? marketing experiements and whatnot
i dont know but theyre fascinating things
some of the music's pretty good too.

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