Thursday 13 August 2015


Follow Hollie's board splubs on Pinterest.

lady mags

in a waiting room i drew cheryl cole from a distant heat magazine
this sparked something within me
i went to the shop and bought the trashiest available lady magazine combo pack
ive been drawing from them
theyre terrifying
so crass and insipid and confident in that
so much interest in the bodies of strangers

yeah so im trying to work out this bewilderment on some poor unsuspecting paper

its going okay though i might make a zine or somat

ive basically been taking words and imagery from the magazines and putting them on paper with little to no consideration
very cathartic
i made an accidental poem on the chantelle one
new lease of life under the knife
check me out im so damn poignant


I've been exploring the illustration hashtag lately with an often morbid fascination.
of course there's legitimately good things on there but I'm finding myself more drawn towards the questionable. Some of the things are fascinating and I can't fathom if they're awful or genius.

yesterday I found this woman called Jannie Hansen

there's something intriguing about this horrible drawing
i dont get it
but in another way
i do..?

look at this
its hilarious
its time to dance
childrens heads..?...!
who knows

whats this about
please i wish i knew
triangle legs?

this next human is called nov_vsee
theres something crazy going on

is this a small child or a proper art person

i just cannot tell but this picture is so happy

look at that
his eyes are many
who made this who and why

why is this good
i dont even know if it is good but i like what ever it is

now this next person i am infinitely fascinated with
called goraku0831 they have 17 followers and their description reads
i'm make up,Art,music.....

but theyre a new kinda crazy


what on earth is that
what is it
heart head man, sos, flower lady, one sock?

eyecontact? tits?
horned mask


crying wolf hat???????????

fingers fingers funny fingers

hes got his fork and spoon all ready
ready for the crescent head party

caption: I LOVE NASA!

i cant get enough

they dont make any sense

but they just keep getting better

and better


90s cruise photographer man

now theres a series of images i hope last forever

welcome home sunshine

Saturday 1 August 2015

home made cd's

I have a new collection
I've been buying home made CD's from the poverty aid at the end of the street.
CD's of music people have made and burned to a disc and put in a case of their own design.
it is the most fun.
Here are the CD's I have found so far

My favourite so far is Ian Cockburns CD because he made the case out of a Branflakes box and printer paper.
In one of them he made an origami folded lyric booklet
We tried to contact him on facebook but we've yet to get a response.

The relevence of this is that I'm thinking of making covers for them all as a project
A rather sizeable project
but maybe I could update them? or try to make them appealing again? marketing experiements and whatnot
i dont know but theyre fascinating things
some of the music's pretty good too.